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Inspiring Mom Entrepreneur Striving To Create Zero Waste

Image Source: Julia Sudnitskaya / Shutterstock


Inspiring Mom Entrepreneur Striving To Create Zero Waste

A mother of two, Kimberly Yap, became an entrepreneur about a year ago when she launched Kelkim. The company aims to promote the Zero Waste initiative and encourage people to consider the future impact on the environment. The name “Kelkim” is a combination of Kimberly’s and her husband’s names.

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The Company Kelkim:

Kelkim specializes in producing two main products with the shared objective of promoting proper waste recycling practices. The first is a compost bin, and the second is recycling bin bags, which we are eager to try at home.

Kimberly advocates the gifting of Kelkim’s composting bin and bags, emphasizing that it not only helps the environment but also inspires others to participate in the Zero Waste initiative. She believes that achieving the Zero Waste goal requires collective effort, as one person alone cannot make a significant impact.

Kimberly is enthusiastic about sharing her journey as a mom entrepreneur with our readers. Here’s her story!

If you’re a mom entrepreneur, here are some helpful tips for you:

  • If you have a blog or website and are not yet accepting online payments, you can explore Square Online Checkout, which offers convenient checkout links to facilitate online transactions.
  • If you are seeking employees, consider using Linkedin Jobs, a platform that allows you to connect with candidates possessing various skill sets. Start your small business today!

The Interview:

1. What inspired you to start your business? Tell us a little bit about the story of you becoming an entrepreneur.

Kimberly’s journey as an entrepreneur began with her concern over the amount of household waste generated by her family of four. Observing the overflowing trash bin prompted her to explore ways to make a positive environmental impact. Attending local workshops introduced her to composting, worm farming, and methods to reduce food waste at home.

Zero Waste – Composting Bin:

Motivated by the idea of composting, Kimberly meticulously designed her products with attractive packaging, with the hope that people already composting would gift a compost bin to friends or family, encouraging others to embrace composting.

Zero Waste – Recycling Bin Bags:

While in Korea, Kimberly was inspired by the country’s diligent recycling efforts at the household level, which prompted her to create the Recycling Bin Bags. She believes that if every household segregates recyclables properly, the recycling process can be more efficient and cost effective.

Zero Waste – Donations Bin Bag:

Additionally, Kimberly introduced the Donation Bin Bag, encouraging households to contribute unwanted but usable items for donation, promoting value in children and fostering a culture of sharing. Implementing these practices at home has significantly reduced her household waste, affirming her belief that similar results can be achieved with minimal effort and the right tools.

2. Since you are also a mom… How do you balance your personal and professional life?

Having been a stay-at-home mom for seven years, Kimberly’s life revolved around caring for her family. With her children now in school, she has found the time to pursue her entrepreneurial aspirations. Utilizing the hours her children are at school, she maximizes her productivity, often working at local cafes or libraries to maintain focus without the distractions of household responsibilities.The first step I take before starting my day as a mom and wife at home is focusing on my work.

3. If there was one piece of advice you could give to your children about running a successful business, what would it be?

The one piece of advice I would give my children is to have determination. Starting a business often involves encountering problems and setbacks. Having strong determination to pursue your goals without giving up easily is crucial. By trying every possibility and remaining determined, success can be achieved.

4. Do you have a favorite business tool and/or resource?

This being my first time setting up a business, I have found the learning curve to be steep. However, I have discovered several useful sites that have supported me on my journey as an entrepreneur, such as Alibaba and Fiverr.kelkim 3

5. Is there anything you would do differently if you went back to when you were 20-22?

I wouldn’t have changed anything during the ages of 20-22. It was a significant time in my life, as I was studying Pharmacy at university and met my supportive and loving husband. I had an adventurous hostel life, traveled extensively, and studied diligently. These experiences have shaped me into who I am now. I work hard, play hard, and easily adapt to change. It’s important to me to appreciate the beauty of nature and I hope future generations get to experience the same.

6. What do you read? How do you get your information?

Since the beginning of the year, I have been attending workshops organized by my local councils about recycling and composting, which has provided me with valuable information and ideas to encourage more support for these initiatives. Additionally, I have turned to YouTube videos shared by fellow entrepreneurs for practical advice and joined relevant groups on Facebook and online seminars to gain insights and ideas.Zero Waste composting bin mom entrepreneur - kelkim 1

7. What is the hardest thing about being a mom entrepreneur? Is there any special life balance hack you can share?

Being a mom entrepreneur means constantly managing time efficiently to accomplish tasks before the kids return home, while also involving them in understanding and supporting my work. Educating them about recycling and composting has been a priority, and occasionally, they have attended workshops with me. Balancing work and family includes spending time in nature and engaging in outdoor activities, fostering a balance between hard work and leisure. Nature serves as a way to showcase what we are working to protect, realizing the importance of a healthy life balance. Additionally, using apps like Morning Brew can help busy moms stay updated on the news and informed while on the go.

Final Thoughts:

It’s evident that Kimberly leads a busy life. As she mentioned, it’s important to remain determined and explore every possibility until success is achieved. Lastly, Kimberly’s products, including the composting bin and recycling bags, promote waste awareness and contribute to a sustainable environment. She has included a tagline in her products that reads, “Sustainable World Begins with Me,” aiming to inspire individuals to make positive contributions to the world and the environment. Her story is an inspiration and serves as a reminder for readers to seek the push they need to make a difference. Stay tuned for the next Mom Entrepreneur feature and consider being featured by visiting this page to learn how to become the next Mom Entrepreneur of the month. To read more mom entrepreneur stories, check out Katie Mays’ and Ieva Derouis’ stories. If you are looking to start a website or online store, Squarespace is a great option. For email marketing, consider using Constant Contact. If you work with clients or plan to do so, Acuity can help manage appointments.

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