Can You Take Prenatal Vitamins to Get Pregnant?
But how can vitamins help and what kinds should you take? There are a lot of questions and myths revolving around this topic. To help clear up some misconceptions, we’ll share everything you need to know about taking vitamins before, during, and after your pregnancy.
Everything to Know About Taking Prenatal Vitamins to Get Pregnant
Do Prenatals Help You Get Pregnant?
The short answer is no. Taking a prenatal vitamin will not make it any more likely to get pregnant.
But while vitamins don’t increase the chances of getting pregnant, they do have many health benefits. For example, iron in prenatal vitamins can help you feel better and stronger and may help you have an easier pregnancy. For this reason, taking vitamins can better prepare your body for this life-changing experience. Having healthy eggs (and an overall healthy body) is crucial for getting pregnant. Taking vitamins also reduces the risk of you experiencing deficiencies during pregnancy. If you want to learn more about different ways to help you get pregnant, please talk to your doctor.
When Should You Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins?
Generally speaking, all women of reproductive age should be taking prenatal vitamins. That’s because prenatal vitamins before pregnancy contain many ingredients that you can use in your daily life. Now is a great time to start! Otherwise, it’s a good idea to start taking a prenatal three months before trying to conceive. Once you get pregnant, you should continue to take prenatal vitamins for at least the first 12 weeks. That’s because they contain many important ingredients that will help your baby during development. We’ll explain a bit more about what each vitamin does in the next section.
Which Vitamins Are the Most Important?
Folic acid and iron are two of the most important vitamins for early pregnancy. Most prenatal vitamins and minerals will have these included. Folic acid helps to prevent birth defects in the fetal brain and spine. Iron, on the other hand, helps direct blood flow and oxygen to the fetus. It can also help prevent anemia and other blood-related defects. In addition to getting a good amount of iron and folic acid, you should also take an Omega-3 fatty acid. This is important for fetal brain development as well as for your skin, brain, and heart health. Other important vitamins include Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Coenzyme Q10, Selenium, and Zinc.
Are There Side Effects with Prenatal Vitamins?
When taking a prenatal vitamin, there are some minor side effects that could happen. One of the biggest complaints among women is digestive problems. This includes stomach cramps, bloating, gas, and constipation. You may also notice some issues with your hair and skin. Some people experience hair loss, while others may feel extra itchy. If you have a rash or dry skin, you can combat them with these highly-rated hand cremes). Others have reported headaches, joint pain, and dizziness. It’s important to note that different vitamins will have different side effects. And not all women experience the same issues. If you are concerned about any of the side effects listed above, consult your doctor before starting a vitamin regime.
Improve Your Health
As you’re now aware, taking prenatal vitamins to get pregnant can help maintain a healthy body. But they aren’t the only things you should be taking as part of your daily routine! Texas Superfood Supplements can also provide nutrients that you don’t get from a complete diet. You may also be interested in taking sea moss supplements (we have a full article about that here). Finally, make sure you’re eating a healthy and nutrient-filled diet during your pregnancy as well. We know this is a very special time in your life, and we want to make sure you’re as healthy as possible! A healthy baby and mom is a happy baby and mom!
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