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The Best Tips For Planting Trees At Home

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The Best Tips For Planting Trees At Home

Want to transform your yard into an inviting, eye-catching space? Trees can enhance the appeal of your home, boost curb appeal, and offer privacy. But if you’re not great with plants, you’ll need to learn the best tips for planting and maintaining trees in your yard. Below, we’ll share our top advice for planting trees at home to help you create a beautiful landscape!

If you want to find the best trees and plants for your home, check out FastGrowingTrees. These experts can recommend options that are suitable for your location and climate. Plus, they’re having a sale from April 14th to 17th for National Gardening Day and another one from April 18th to 24th for Earth Week!

Tips for Planting Trees at Home

1. Know What Grows

One of the most important aspects of planting trees at home is knowing which types of trees thrive in your region. Different trees require specific conditions to grow well. If you live in a rainy climate like the northwestern part of the United States, you can plant different trees compared to someone living in the arid southwest.

Here are some trees that need a lot of water:

  • Red Maple
  • Sweebay Magnolia
  • River Birch
  • Bald Cypress

And here are a few that prefer drier conditions:

  • Arizona Cypress
  • Texas Ash
  • Prairie Flameleaf Sumac
  • Southern Red Oak

If you’re unsure which trees to plant, visit FastGrowingTrees. The website will identify your Growing Zone and help you choose plants that suit your weather conditions.

Make a Decision

After identifying what grows in your climate, think about your preferences. What kind of yard do you envision? Do you want a tree that provides shade or one that adds color?

Your answers will help you decide which tree(s) to choose. For example, for color, you could opt for a Pink Weeping Cherry Tree. For more shade, consider an American Sycamore Tree. Or go for both with a Red Sunset Maple!

2. Consider the Surroundings

While your tree may arrive as a small sapling, it’s crucial to consider the space around it. Look for buildings, power lines, underground utilities, and other structures that could affect the root system and growth.

3. Prepare and Plant

To start the planting process, soak the tree’s roots to ensure they don’t dry out and become unable to absorb water and nutrients once planted. Then, dig a hole about twice the size of the existing roots, ensuring the roots will be fully covered once the tree is placed inside.

4. Plant the Tree

Carefully remove the tree from its container, being mindful not to disturb the root ball. Plant the roots in the hole and fill the surrounding soil back in, packing it firmly.

5. Watering

Give the roots their first drink of water by watering the surrounding soil until damp. Leaving a slight well at the top can help the tree get more water when it rains.

Maintaining Your Trees

Newly planted trees and shrubs are susceptible to pests, diseases, and animals. Find solutions for these issues at FastGrowingTrees. You can get bird netting, deer repellent, or natural pesticides from their website.

Enhance Your Yard

We hope these tree planting tips help you! But landscaping isn’t just about trees. Consider making your outdoor space more enjoyable with patio furniture and decor ideas. That way, you’ll get the most out of your home tree planting guide!

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