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Top 10 Income Opportunities For Stay-At-Home Moms

Image Source: Rachaphak / Shutterstock

Career & Money

Top 10 Income Opportunities For Stay-At-Home Moms

It’s common knowledge that being a stay-at-home mom entails a demanding role. Essentially, it’s a full-time commitment without the financial perks and job benefits. Nevertheless, the responsibilities are plentiful. From caregiving and managing schedules to preparing meals, drop-offs, and more, stay-at-home moms dedicate themselves to tasks that go well beyond a standard 9-to-5 workweek. However, the decision to forego a financial income isn’t one that everyone wishes to or can make.

In these circumstances, stay-at-home moms who possess the desire and ability to incorporate a money-making activity into their daily routines might explore taking on a side hustle. Engaging in side hustles can offer numerous benefits. Firstly, many of these job opportunities do not adhere to a fixed schedule, allowing moms to integrate them into their existing routines. Secondly, they can contribute to additional household earnings. Lastly, working can often provide moms with an enhanced sense of purpose beyond their roles in motherhood.

We understand that this all sounds promising in theory. However, where does one even start in finding the perfect side hustle? The answer lies right here. We have compiled a list of 31 top-notch additional income opportunities for stay-at-home moms to contemplate, considering their skills, backgrounds, and interests.

31 Additional Income Opportunities for Stay-at-Home Moms

1. Freelance Writing or Editing

If you have a knack for writing or editing, consider delving into freelance writing or editing for some extra income. A great way to enter this field is by directly contacting a publication you admire. Propose specific ideas for articles you would like to write for their platform to kickstart the process, accompanied by your resume and a portfolio of your written work. For those with editing experience, ensure to highlight this skill in your communication with the publication.

2. Virtual Bookkeeping or Accounting

If you have previous office experience, you may find success as a part-time virtual bookkeeper or accountant. Virtual roles are advantageous as they allow you to work from home without drastically disrupting your routine. To explore opportunities in this field, consider reaching out to contacts from past jobs to inquire about any available positions. You can also explore online platforms like Upwork, BELAY, VaVa Virtual Assistants, and Delegate Solutions.

3. Social Media Management for a Small Business

Social media management is a lucrative side hustle, irrespective of whether you have a professional background in the field. It provides an avenue to earn extra income while mastering the intricacies of social media marketing from the comfort of your home. Various online resources like Hubspot and YouTube tutorials offer insights into social media platforms and marketing techniques. Familiarize yourself with these platforms on your personal channels before pursuing potential job opportunities. While being a full-time Social Media Manager is a demanding role, assisting a small business on the side can be mutually beneficial.

4. Tutoring or Teaching

If you have honed a specific skill over the years, consider sharing your expertise through tutoring or teaching, either online or in person. Begin by reaching out to local schools, community centers, or universities to explore opportunities where your skills could be of value to their communities. For online tutoring, platforms like VIPKID, Tutor, Brainfuse, and Qkids offer avenues to get started.

5. Online Transcription

Given the perpetual stream of thoughts running through our minds, a side gig that requires minimal effort can be a luxury. Online transcription involves transcribing audio or video files by documenting spoken words—similar to closed captioning for television shows and movies. Entry-level transcriptionists typically start around $20 per hour, with the potential to earn up to $30 as they gain experience.

6. Part-Time or Virtual Event Planning or Coordination

If event planning was your passion in the past, consider exploring opportunities in assisting local businesses with their events. The surge in online events since 2020 opens doors to becoming a virtual event planner and ensuring seamless execution of virtual events.

7. Virtual Administrative Support

Instead of hiring on-site personnel, many companies now seek virtual administrative support to manage their calendars, emails, appointments, and other tasks remotely.

8. Participate in Online Surveys

Oftentimes, we mindlessly scroll through our phones (multiple times per hour) to catch up on the latest news or social media buzz. Why not make your online time more productive? Engage with services that compensate you for sharing your opinions and time simultaneously. Explore platforms like Survey Junky, My Points, Swagbucks, and Inbox Dollars for these opportunities.

9. Personal Shopping or Styling Services

Individuals with a background in the fashion industry who have stayed informed about trends may excel as personal shoppers. They serve as a clients’ go-to for building wardrobes, purchasing gifts, and fulfilling other shopping needs. For savvy, fashion-forward individuals, this side hustle for stay-at-home moms could yield an income of approximately $15-$20 per hour.

10. Sell Handmade Crafts

If you acquired a new skill during the lockdown in 2020, have a knack for crafting, or wish to explore a new hobby, consider selling handmade items on platforms like Etsy, eBay, or Amazon. From graphic t-shirts to knit scarves and more, there is a market for a diverse range of handmade goods. Get creative and witness the sales roll in!

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