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15 Cost-Saving Strategies For New Parents

Image Source: Kseniya Ivanova / Shutterstock


15 Cost-Saving Strategies For New Parents

The joy of welcoming a newborn is immense, yet it can also herald additional financial burdens to a family’s budget, particularly in light of the significant cost of living increases recently. For households accustomed to dual incomes, the transition to maternity allowances can prove challenging, necessitating astute budgeting and prudent spending for new parents.

Fortuitously, with sage advice from monetary experts and comprehensive knowledge of new parent benefits, here’s a compilation of methods by which new parents can conserve funds.

1. Reuse

The frequent purchase of diapers, wet cloths, and breastfeeding pads can accumulate substantial costs. Thus, you may wish to transition to reusable, launderable alternatives. Such a switch not only alleviates the strain on your finances but also benefits the environment. In 2021, calculations from the official advice body on finances inferred that using reusable diapers could lead to a saving of approximately £1,475 over the initial two and a half years. Moreover, it’s reported that municipal governments can conserve up to £11 in waste management for every £1 invested in schemes promoting reusable diapers. To stimulate more households to test reusable diapers, various administrations present incentives such as vouchers, rebates, sample diapers, or markdowns. In certain localities, there’s the chance to claim a voucher up to the value of £70 to defray the cost of acquiring reusable diapers or to contribute towards a diaper laundering service. Hence, it may be beneficial to approach your local council to inquire if they conduct such a program, or if not, to suggest they consider initiating one. Visit for additional details.

2. Exploit Discounts

Enduring a maternity leave can present challenges in sustaining oneself with a diminished income flow. Consequently, fully leveraging discounts is key to extending your financial reach. Numerous brands proffer packages including ‘Mum to be,’ ‘Bump to Baby,’ and ‘New Family’ collections, commonly comprising samples and price reduction tokens for baby items.

Enroll in organizations catering to parents, like the Pampers Club, Beaming Baby Sample pack, Ella’s Kitchen Pal, Pura baby wet cloths giveaways, Boots Parenting Club, and Piccolo Family Club, to snag complimentary items and rebates. Additionally, keep close tabs on your favored infant care brands via social media platforms to stay updated on any substantial markdowns or limited-time promotions.

Become acquainted with various online outlets that confer markdowns on initial purchases merely by subscribing to their newsletters. By signing up to Boots Parenting Club and utilizing the Boots app, the advantages include no-cost gifts and bonus points on baby merchandise acquisitions. With Nectar Prices, receive customized discounts via the Nectar app that you can accumulate together with the regular Nectar Prices, tailored to your frequent purchases (useful if you’re consistently buying a plethora of diapers, baby edibles, etc.).

The Baby & Toddler Events at Sainsbury’s present an opportune moment to stockpile essential items. Capitalizing on promotions for frequently used products like wipes and diapers ensures you need not repurchase these essentials for some time. Keep a vigilant eye on these Baby & Toddler events both in-store and virtually. Alternatively, effectuate economies by buying baby essentials in bulk through platforms like Amazon, or collaborate with fellow new parents to purchase wholesale.

3. Exchange/Borrow/Lease

Forego unnecessary expenses by sourcing baby items through loans or exchanges with acquaintances or family. Engage with your regional community via Facebook groups and delve into resources such as Gumtree and Freecycle, where individuals eager to declutter willingly part with used clothes, equipment, or playthings at no charge. Furthermore, a rise in services like offers the possibility to lease brand-name attire for your ever-growing offspring. Local councils may operate toy lending establishments allowing you to borrow age-appropriate toys rather than splurging on them and portals like can facilitate toy rentals. When it comes to books, frequent library visits, or hunting down economical book options on platforms like Vinted, can be a smart move.

4. Purchase Secondhand

You might be astonished by the finds in thrift stores and yard sales. Securing apparel, playthings, and infant literature from these venues can lead to enormous savings and your child will be none the wiser to their origins. Thrift outlets, flea markets, Facebook Marketplace, and Vinted can unearth an abundance of gently used infant goods, ranging from attires to strollers and additional paraphernalia. Once you perceive the substantial savings achievable, splurging on new at full price will seem imprudent!

5. Invest in Timeless Products

When it comes to considerable acquisitions, endeavor to select items that will accommodate your child’s growth. This could include a car seat valid from infancy until 12 years of age, a convertible high chair, or a crib that can transform into a junior bed. While such items may command a greater upfront cost, the long-term savings are palpable. Additionally, consider versatile merchandise, like a portable crib that compresses for travel, negating the need for an otherwise necessary travel cot. It’s also advantageous to peruse cashback websites like TopCashback before confirming big-ticket purchases to ensure you’re seizing every possible saving.

6. Economical Feeding

The price of an 800g container of infant formula might climb up to £18, not to mention the ancillary costs of bottles, teats, and sterilizing equipment. Consequently, if feasible, nursing your newborn can lead to financial savings. During the weaning phase, maintaining simplicity and cost consciousness is crucial. By eschewing processed baby foods and preparing elementary recipes at home without additional sugars or salts, expenditures can be reduced. Usual first foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips, rutabaga, cauliflower, and broccoli are commendable starting points. If time allows, devising a meal strategy for toddlers and preparing batches to freeze can offer not only nutritious meals but also save time in the long run. The common market is awash with ‘baby specific’ foodstuffs like porridge and rice, yet these are often more costly without any necessity, as infants can typically partake in the standard versions consumed by the restys

of the family. Understandably, life’s busyness may sometimes call for reliance on premade baby pouches and snacks. Nonetheless, products from economical grocers like Aldi can be a fraction of the cost compared to flagship baby food brands.

7. Form a Babysitting Cooperative

In certain locales, babysitters might command up to £20 per hour –a figure that, when added to the cost of dining, libations, and transport, might dissuade you from stepping out altogether! Heidi Skudder from Positively Parenthood advises: ‘To preserve funds

Reduce expenditures on childcare duties by enlisting the help of acquaintances or kin for a few hours. In our modern society, we are so reticent to ask for assistance, we overlook that our loved ones are frequently inclined to lend a hand. As a parent with a trio of kids, I’ve learned to be at peace with soliciting some babysitting time now and then from my kin and comrades. Although I’m still not entirely comfortable with the request, it averts the need for a professional caregiver and, more often than not, your kin and buddies feel privileged to assist.

8. Embrace Simplicity

Lucy Shrimpton, Sleep & Wellbeing connoisseur and creator of The Sleep Nanny advises: ‘Avoid overburdening the baby’s room with excess unless it is a source of happiness for you. It’s crucial to remember that newborns are indifferent to their room’s décor at such an infantile stage. Thus, adopt a minimalist approach.’ Before acquiring anything, ponder these three aspects: 1. Does it serve a sensible purpose? 2. Will it cut down on your time? 3. How extended will it be in use? If it’s going to be for a fleeting period – say less than a month or even six months – could there be a more economical alternative available?

9. Exhaustive Research

Be sure to canvass the market and sample products prior to purchase. A barrage of suggestions will come at you from kin, companions, literature, and influencers about the essentials for new parents. However, the optimal strategy involves a careful review of what’s missing and what could genuinely simplify your routine. Avoid impulsively investing in an extravagant device that might end up unused, as you might find yourself regretting the expense down the road. Scrutinize whether you truly necessitate luxuries like a premium diaper disposal mechanism with costly fragrant liners, or a specialized baby food mixer.

10. Seek Out Complimentary Events

Outings with the offspring can rack up a hefty bill. Hence, hunting for cost-free locales to engage youngsters offers a brilliant means to amuse them economically. Institutions like galleries, museums, and natural parks serve as excellent venues to cherish a day with the progeny without straining the wallet.

It’s prudent to be on the lookout for buy-one-get-one-free offers and complimentary youth tickets on product wrappers when you’re out stocking up on groceries. These passes are typically attainable for more prominent destinations and can elicit noteworthy monetary savings. Many major venues often propose reduced ticket prices during weekdays for parents with toddlers.

It serves as an fortification to your home budget. However, in addition to this, Child Benefit guarantees that parents are accredited with National Insurance credits, which may shield their state pension provision. Moreover, it expediently ensures that children automatically obtain a National Insurance number as they turn 16. To verify eligibility and to stake a claim, visit the GOV.UK. Child Benefit may be utilized alongside Tax-Free Childcare.

13. Expense-Free Childcare

The toll of childcare stands as one of the weightiest financial burdens for employed parents. Nevertheless, come September 2025, gainfully employed guardians will be entitled to 30 hours of state-subsidized childcare every week from the time their offspring reaches nine months, up until they commence schooling. This rollout is occurring in phases to accommodate the preparation needs of childcare contributors.

Earners of young ones aged two are now privy to 15 hours of childcare aid. Similarly, those responsible for three and four-year-olds have access to 30 hours of financed childcare courtesy of the government.

By September of 2024, support for 15 hours of childcare will extend to qualified working parents with infants as young as nine months.

And by September 2025, this will broaden to a 30-hour provision.

This assistance can be dispensed over the course of 38 weeks aligned with academic terms, or spread across the entirety of 52 weeks if fewer hours are consumed weekly.

Working caregivers must both gross in excess of £9,518 but not surpass the £100,000 annual cap per individual to meet the criteria.

14. Tax-Free Childcare

Understanding Tax-Free Childcare

This is a subsidy measure introduced by the government to support UK families with childcare expenses. Families who meet the prerequisites, including the self-employed, can receive maximally £2,000 a year for each child – or £4,000 for children with disabilities – towards childcare costs. Succinctly, for every £8 you deposit into the Tax-Free Childcare account, an extra £2 is contributed by the state.

You can accrue up to £500 (or £1,000 for children with disabilities) every quarter for each qualifying child. During the fiscal year 2022-23, upwards of 650,000 households availed from Tax-Free Childcare. Nevertheless, a substantial number more could be eligible. This initiative serves guardians or parents who:

  • are rearing children up to the age of 11, ceasing eligibility on 1 September following their 11th birthday. Should your child have a disability, aid persists until the 1 September post their 16th birthday
  • earn, or are on track to earn, at least the threshold equivalent to 16 hours weekly at the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage, on average
  • each pull in a maximum of £100,000 yearly
  • are not recipients of tax credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers

Perks of Opting for Tax-Free Childcare

A notable perk of Tax-Free Childcare is its adaptability. Being applicable to any sanctioned childcare service provider, it grants you the capability to settle fees for childminders, nurseries

You can allocate your Tax-Free Childcare to a range of caregivers including au pairs, before and after school programs, and more. If you opt for diverse types of childcare, the scheme is flexible enough to cover these expenses. The benefit can be utilized in conjunction with the 15 or 30 hours of free childcare, and it can contribute to the purchase of specific devices for disabled children within a childcare environment. Additionally, if you’re a parent of multiple children who go to different childcare facilities, you can use this system for each of them. However, you must set up an individual Tax-Free Childcare account for every eligible child. The government’s financial contributions are then added into each child’s account separately, not per household.

Establishing an account

Setting up a Tax-Free Childcare account is an easy process that typically requires around 20 minutes on GOV.UK. You have the flexibility to open an account at any point throughout the year, transfer funds into it anytime, and begin using the balance immediately. Should you have any funds that are not being used, withdrawals can be made anytime.

Every quarter, parents are prompted by HMRC to verify their details to ensure uninterrupted access to the government contributions. If your childcare provider isn’t a participant, encourage them to inform themselves on Childcare Choices where they’ll find instructions for registration and details on how it benefits them.

15. Anticipate future needs

As you’ve now grasped the essentials of managing your finances with a new addition to the family, it’s wise to start looking for more saving opportunities by planning ahead. Scouting for deals during offseason sales can drastically decrease your expenditures. For instance, utilizing end-of-summer discounts to stock up on next year’s sizes of shorts and tees, or snapping up festive children’s sweaters and wrapping paper during the Christmas markdowns. Foresee children’s party needs by amassing treats on sale and reserving presents bought at discount prices. By planning, you secure goods at their lowest prices and distribute the financial impact of high-spend seasons like Christmas and birthdays more evenly.

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