Career & Money
How To Find Hotels That Are Recruiting Near You (And the Different Jobs Available)
6 Different Types of Jobs at Hotels Hiring Near Me
In this article, we’ll share a few popular hotel jobs that you can have. You can see a full list of opportunities while browsing for positions on ZipRecruiter.
1. Front Desk
If you have a knack for customer service, then you might love working at the front desk. You’ll check-in guests, handle reservations, and answer any questions that arise during their stay. Hotels usually need someone to man the front desk all hours of the day. Therefore, you may have a flexible schedule, especially if you are looking for night shift jobs.
2. Housekeeping
For people with a keen eye for organization and detail, a role in housekeeping can be a great opportunity. It’s your job to make sure that each room is sparkling clean for your guests. This includes changing towels and linens, stocking toiletries, and vacuuming. In many situations, you’ll also be responsible for cleaning public areas like lobbies, conference rooms, hallways, and stairwells.
3. Maintenance Technician
Like to solve problems and work with your hands? Most hotels have a maintenance technician on hand. You’ll be tasked with fixing lights and elevators or dealing with lighting and plumbing issues. You can work a regular daytime schedule or get hired for night shift jobs when guests have emergencies.
4. Host/Waitstaff
If a hotel has a restaurant, they’ll likely be hiring for help in the dining room. This could be as a host/hostess or waiter/waitress. You’ll interact with guests by taking orders, delivering food, and coordinating meals with the kitchen. This is a great way to make extra money as you’ll also get tips from the dining patrons.
5. Luggage Attendant
Luggage attendants do more than carry bags and suitcases. They also escort guests to their rooms, deliver room service, and answer questions about hotel facilities. Although it’s more of an entry-level position, being a luggage attendant is a great way to work your way up in the hospitality industry.
6. Hotel Manager
A management position at a hotel can be a very lucrative position for the right job seeker. You’ll be the go-to person for managing staff, facilities, and guest satisfaction. Many hotel managers work their way up the ladder after years of industry experience. A business or hospitality management degree can also improve your chances of getting hired.
Where to Find Hotels Hiring Near Me
The easiest way to find hotel jobs is by searching online. There are numerous job boards online where you can browse open positions. One of the biggest sites is ZipRecruiter. Not only do they have thousands of hotel and hospitality jobs, but they also have positions in dozens of other industries.
Searching for jobs on ZipRecruiter is incredibly easy. Just type in the position (front desk, night shift jobs, hostess, etc.) and filter by location, salary, and job type. You can upload your resume and cover letter and apply immediately if something stands out.
If you have the ZipRecruiter app, you can also set up alerts to notify you of new hotel positions. This way, you’ll get to send in your application before other candidates even know the job exists!
For a full review of how ZipRecruiter works, read our in-depth guide.
More Job Ideas
Working in the hotel industry is a great way to get hospitality experience. You can find work by typing “hotel jobs near me” into Google or searching for open positions on ZipRecruiter. Whether you’re working the front desk, kitchen, or back maintenance room, you’ll find many opportunities once you create your free profile and get started!.
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