# HTML and Script Tags Here — Celebrate Your Family Graduation Ceremony in Style with These Summer Nail Trend Ideas
To achieve the graduation nail art results you see in the pictures and videos we used gel nail polish, but you can easily reproduce some of these styles, like the marble and the Kpop nails, using regular nail polish. Just make sure to have a base and a top coat and wait until a coat is dry to apply the one on top. To make the following styles we used:
- Gel base coat in a nude nail or light pink color
- Gel clear top coat
- Different color nail powders
- A Nail Light Lamp
If you want to see more styles for the season, check out our Spring Nails Trends.
Soft Tie Dye Nail Style
The soft tie-dye nail style is a fun and playful way to celebrate your graduation. This style features a blend of pastel colors in a swirling tie-dye pattern. It’s perfect for the warm weather and outdoor celebrations that often accompany graduation season. To achieve this look, start by building the colors using powdered colorants and mixing them with clear nail polish gel or top coat. Apply a nude base coat and cure. Once dry, apply each color on a different spot of your nails and use a clean brush to blend and blur the colors together. Once they’re cured, finish off with a clear top coat to seal your new beautiful nails.
Graduation Nails with Glazed Donut Design
The trend has been made famous by Hailey Bieber. The Glazed Donut nail style, similar to the Lip Gloss one, features a nude or light pink color for the base and a touch of gloss for the layers above. It’s a beautiful take on the classic nude that will draw attention while keeping it classy. To achieve this look, start with a light base coat, then apply a light color of your choice (nude, pink, white). Once the coat is cured, brush the pearl powder on top. Finish off with a clear topcoat to seal in this extra special design.
Marble Nail Style for Graduation
The marble nail style is a classic and elegant way to celebrate your graduation. This style features a soft swirling pattern that mimics the look of natural marble. It’s perfect for the graduate who wants to keep their nails simple but still make a statement. To achieve this look, start with a light base coat and use a small flat brush to create light blue and white swirls. Finish off these gorgeous nails with a clear topcoat to seal in the design.
Kpop Nail Style for Graduation
K-pop, short for Korean pop music, has taken the world by storm, and so has its unique style. The Kpop nail style features graphic designs and fun colors for added sparkle. This style is perfect for the graduate who wants something more fun and trendy while still looking proper. To achieve this look, apply a light coat to start. Once it’s cured, with a long and thin brush draw a vertical line in the middle of the nail. Then draw a curve on each extreme of the nail and fill the corner. Finish off with a clear top coat to seal.
In Conclusion
Your graduation day is a day to celebrate all of your hard work and accomplishments. It’s a day to feel proud of yourself and all that you’ve achieved. Your nails are a small but significant part of your overall look, and they can help you express your personality and style. Whether you prefer a soft tie-dye effect, donut nails, a marble effect, or Kpop nails, there’s a graduation nail style for everyone. So, go ahead and have fun with your nails, and let them help you celebrate your graduation in style!
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