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My Best Advice for Maintaining Wellness as a Mother

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Beauty & Wellness

My Best Advice for Maintaining Wellness as a Mother

When a new school year begins, it brings along many benefits for our children such as care and interaction with peers. Nevertheless, it also comes with the downside of the constant illnesses they pick up. In the two months that school has been in session, my son’s class has already experienced various sicknesses. Whether you’re a working mother or a stay-at-home mother, sick days are inconvenient for all of us. So, how can we avoid falling ill when our children are exposed to germs all day?

Last spring, after years of at-home childcare, we enrolled our son in a toddler class. He was sick for a whole month, one cold after another, and the rest of us also fell ill. It slowly improved as we began taking more supplements and his body adapted to being around more children. Nevertheless, it was a challenging few months for our family, and I didn’t want to go through it again when he moved to the preschool class after summer.

Prior to the start of this school year, I was determined to decrease our sick days, so we implemented a health routine that has been successful thus far. We’ve focused on the essentials like immunizations, regular check-ups, and good cleanliness. Here are five other changes I’ve implemented that have helped me maintain wellness as a mother.

Selecting superior supplements for the kids

To minimize my sick days, I need to ensure that my kids have fewer sick days. We’ve been giving our son supplements since he was a toddler, but he needed something more comprehensive when he started school. We tried Vimergy Kids’ Zinc and B12 supplements, which offer seven different advantages to overall health.

Zinc bolsters the immune system and cognitive function, and has even been shown to help reduce missed school days. Meanwhile, Vimergy Kids’ B12 aids in nervous system function, metabolic efficiency, and energy production. Both supplements feature organic formulas without added colors, flavors, refined sugars, or citric acid. They can be mixed into any liquid and come with pre-measured dosage instructions based on the age group, making it easy to incorporate essential nutrients into my kids’ diets.

Incorporating nutrients into meals I already enjoy

Being a fussy eater myself, it’s crucial for me to integrate proper nutrients into my diet. I’ve come across a TikTok trend known as “Eat what you want, add what you need,” which involves honoring food cravings while incorporating nutritional value. I adapt this idea to enhance my immune system, for example by adding leafy greens into pasta sauce or ginger and high-vitamin C fruits into smoothies.

Engaging in achievable physical activity

I have never been someone who enjoys physical exercise, but being inactive all day is detrimental to my physical and mental well-being. I started with small steps by taking 30-minute walks around my neighborhood after the kids go to bed. It’s a rejuvenating way to unwind after a long day, and I listen to audiobooks to make it more enjoyable.

Enhanced cleanliness with shared items

Sharing germs as a family heightens the likelihood of everyone falling ill. I’ve set boundaries about sharing my drinks with the kids, especially if they exhibit any symptoms of illness. They have their own mini water bottles to decrease the chances of tantrums. We also use disinfectant dish soap to ensure proper cleaning of shared dishes.

Reducing screen time, prioritizing sleep

As parents, we often feel exhausted by the end of the day and find ourselves staying up late scrolling through social media. However, this negatively impacts our sleep patterns, which are critical for fighting off infections. I set a timer for screen time or TV and then focus on activities like reading or spending time with my spouse. This helps me get better sleep and enhances my overall well-being.

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