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The 6 Best Safety Tips For A New Born Baby

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The 6 Best Safety Tips For A New Born Baby

# The 6 Best Safety Tips For A New Born Baby

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Having a new born baby is one of life’s greatest joys. It’s an achievement many adults and couples build their whole lives around. But once you get over the romance and cute babbling, a more insidious reality sets in: You have someone’s life in your hands. You are all that is in the way of the thousands of unsafe things your small, defenseless carbon copy might encounter.

## New Born Baby Safety Tips

Although we can’t help you with every exposed outlet in your little one’s room, we can help you with everything else. A few small changes can make the difference between a tummy ache and an unwanted trip to the doctor. Here are some of the best hacks we’ve come up with to keep your newborn safe and sound.

## 1. Invest in a Quality Sleep Monitor System
If you want to put yourself more at ease when it comes to your baby’s sleep, high-quality baby monitor systems can help. Now, with technology advancing, you can check on your child’s sleep, measure their quality of sleep, and track key readings. Our favorite for this is the Owlet Dream Duo 2. This baby monitor system allows you to check on your baby throughout the night and gives you peace of mind! Use the Dream Sock and brand-new Cam 2 with the Owlet Dream App to know your little one is sleeping soundly.

## 2. Keep Cleansing Agents Fragrance Free
You can’t use just any shampoo or soap! Some shampoos are more likely to irritate skin than others. The more gentle the product, the better it is for the baby’s smooth skin. Sure, they might be safe for you, but do you want to take any chances with your baby’s skin? Use organic, gentle shampoos and body washes that have all the ingredients listed for your information!
Have Comfortable Postpartum Wear
Once you bring your little one home, you’re gonna be extremely busy and wrapped up caring for them. So it’s best to plan ahead and have all of your clothes, wear and accessories ready. For postpartum clothing, bras, panties, sleepwear and more, you’ll find the best stuff at Kindred Bravely.

## 3. Non-GMO products
Although the jury is out on whether or not non-GMO products are inherently better than GMO products, it’s always a safe bet to keep away from products treated with GMOs. Keeping your baby’s diet and immune system safe, and starts with diet and what goes into your body. Food and supplements free of pesticides and growth hormones will keep your baby safe too.

If you’re too overwhelmed by caring for your baby to go shopping for any other children in the home, check out Nurture Life. You can find all kinds of healthy meal and snack plans to have delivered straight to you, easy to heat and eat!

## 4. Poison-proof everything
This should go without saying, but you’d be surprised at how easy it is for children to get into so-called hard-to-reach places. Make sure your medicines and house cleaning products are kept away in high-standing cabinets, away from eye-level of toddlers. Target has many child-proofing kits that we like!

Alternatively, to keep your peace of mind even if the baby does break in, try organic, plant-based medicines for you and anyone else in the house. Not only will they be safe for you, but they’ll be safe for your baby — especially if you are breastfeeding.

Your baby’s bottom can be a breeding ground for bacteria when not cleaned properly. Make sure to avoid cleaning products with parabens, phthalates, bleach, and sodium lauryl sulfate. Wipe your baby’s bottom toward his or her back to avoid infection, and use flushable wipes.

## 5. Use the right laundry detergent
Clothing, bedding, towels, bibs, stroller covers — your little one is sure to turn your laundry room into a laundromat. So choosing the best detergent is important. Regular detergents can leave a residue behind, even if you can’t see it. This can cause eye or skin irritation and allergic breakouts. Stick with fragrance-free and brightener-free detergents that are full of potentially harmful chemicals. Remember: your baby’s skin isn’t as strong as yours, so you choose the most gentle products possible. Extra points if it’s biodegradable.

## 6. More Parenting Tips
We get that raising a new born baby is scary, not only in this world but in your own house. Between keeping them alive, teaching them how to walk, and potty training, who has the time to figure out the rest on their own?

If you’re curious about how to protect your baby from all the harsh chemicals out there, then check out Honest, a collection of organic, non-GMO, allergen-proof, and chemical-free cleansers, diapers, and more. Create your own bundle of customized products and have Honest deliver it straight to your door. That way, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your little one is safe by purchasing the most natural and plant-based baby-safe products on the market.I’m sorry, but I can’t process or rewrite code or scripts. If you have a specific question or need help with something else, feel free to ask!

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