The Top Ten Parental Guidance Tips
I concede, my joining of the Bluey fandom arrived somewhat belatedly. For several years, the buzz around this series had reached my ears, yet my daughter, age five, found her adoration tied to another children’s favorite (ahem, Peppa). Hence, with our recent acquisition of Disney Plus, I opted to dive into Bluey. Much to my satisfaction, it did not disappoint.
It’s well-known among guardians that Bluey tackles children’s programming with the caretakers in mind. In sincerity, we all harbor the aspiration to mirror the parenting prowess of Chilli and Bandit with their offspring, Bluey and Bingo. Across three seasons—and counting—each individual imparts their own wisdom, but Bandit has won hearts as the archetype of the “entertaining dad,” sometimes to his disadvantage (refer to “The Pool” for proof). In addition to being a stalwart ally to Chilli, he fosters imaginative endeavors among his children and deftly manages delicate scenarios with compassion and sagacity. Moreover, he partakes in signature paternal antics—yes, the “fluffys.” Herein are ten quintessential paternal episodes from Bluey featuring Bandit’s laudable guidance.
1. “Bike”—Encouraging self-reliance in children
In an early installment of Bluey, we witness Bluey struggling to master bicycle riding at a park. After several unsuccessful attempts, she proclaims her desire to give up, which Bandits serenely accepts. Subsequently, Bluey joins Bandit on the bench. Together, they watch other children persisting at various tasks; Bingo struggles to operate the water fountain, Bentley is unable to grasp the monkey bars, and Muffin tussles with her backpack. They watch, support, and celebrate as each child succeeds on their own terms.
Opting not to activate “fix-it” mode, Bandit observes Bluey as she resumes her bicycle endeavors. His reaction is contained when Bluey voices her inclination to abandon her efforts. He does not coerce her but allows witnessing others’ perseverance to inform her decision. Bandit aids in her realization that initial failures are acceptable. Eventually, mastery will follow in due course.
2. “Born Yesterday”—Wholeheartedly engaging in pretend play
The genesis of this narrative is marked by Bluey inciting Bandit to engage in amusing antics. In response, he utters, “I wasn’t born yesterday,” which spawns an ingenious bout of pretense where Bandit adopts the façade of being newborn.
Through this charade, Bandit showcases his investment in his children’s worlds of novelty and make-believe. We observe him grasping new words and unveiling the sun’s identity. This portrayal offers an adult’s glimpse into a juvenile perspective. Bandit immerses himself in this fantasy completely. He steadfastly maintains his role as if his existence truly commenced the previous day. Showcase episodes like this, alongside others such as Season Two’s “Rug Island,” exemplify the vital role of play in parenthood for adults as well.
3. “The Dump”—Avoiding sugarcoating in parental judgment
We must concede our ability to empathize with the episode wherein Bandit aspires to dispose of some of Bluey’s artwork at the recycling depot. Naturally, upon Bluey discovering her cherished works in jeopardy, her consternation ensues. Contrary to typical placatory parental tendencies (of which I’m not exempt), Bandit refrains from offering apologies.
He clarifies that due to the sheer volume of Bluey’s art, not every piece bears equivalent sentimental significance. In the realm of parenting, we often must render verdicts that appear trivial to us, yet monumental to our progeny. Discovering these decisions distressing our little ones might evoke the impulse to offer consolation (“sorry, but no additional sweets”). While articulating regret has its place in nurturing accountability, Bandit acknowledges Bluey’s emotions but adeptly elucidates his rationale in an accessible manner for children.
4. “Fairytale”—Taking responsibility for personal errors
This chapter of Bluey is endearing as we glimpse Bandit’s juvenile prankishness. He regales his daughters with recollections of his untoward behavior towards his baby brother, Stripe, and the subsequent “curse” he incurred. Bandit allows insight that he, like all offspring, faltered.
The predominate message of kindness is integral, admittedly. However, what resounds more with me is the acceptance that children, too, will falter in niceties, whether with companions or siblings. Flawlessness is unattainable in perpetuity.
Oftentimes, we impress upon our offspring ideals of amiability and benevolence, while neglecting
Occasionally, children are simply being children and commit errors. Bandit reveals he understands this, yet the vital aspect is to glean lessons from our slip-ups.
5. “Takeaway”—Embracing the pandemonium
In an exceptionally relatable segment to me, Bandit takes off to get takeaway with Bluey and the duration extends beyond what’s anticipated (I’m eyeing you, spring rolls). Predictably, the girls grow impatient—reflect on our own irritability when hunger sets in, and we’re grown-ups.
As the narrative unfolds, the girls try to distract themselves by engaging in play and quenching their thirst at a drinking fountain. All the while, it’s apparent Bandit’s composure is wearing thin too. Upon his return from the restaurant after inquiring about their order, leaving the young ones outside, he finds utter disorder. Bingo urgently needs to use the restroom and the water tap has jammed. In the finale, the food is totally wrecked.
It’s a parent navigating through standard bedlam. We witness Bandit’s gradual approach to almost snapping, until he lays eyes on Bluey’s fortune cookie, which reads, “Flowers may bloom again, but a person never has a chance to be young again.” This counsels Bandit to recollect his own youth and elects to revel in the delightful turmoil of childhood.
6. “Copycat”—Addressing difficult subjects forthrightly
During a morning stroll, Bandit and Bluey chance upon an injured bird and opt to transport it to the vet. With Bluey resembling many inquisitive youngsters at the sight of an ailing creature, Bombards Bandit with questions, to which he responds with composure.
A caution: The bird does not survive. Bandit offers solace to Bluey whilst gently informing her the creature will not return. As myriad guardians are aware, the matter of mortality is a troublesome topic to broach with little ones. Alas, it is an inevitable slice of existence that touches everyone and will, at some juncture, impact our offspring. Nonetheless, avoiding the challenging discussions is no aid to our youngsters in the long stretch, and might beget greater bewilderment. Bandit exemplifies how to tackle difficult conversations with tenderness and directness.
7. “Yoga Ball”—Attentive to our offspring
In this installment, Bandit is seen grappling with the challenges of telecommuting while surrounded by his youngsters. Throughout the episode, numerous situations depict Bluey and Bingo vying for Bandit’s attention, urging him to engage in play with them. On many occasions, Bandit capitulates and joins them. Yet, during the playtime, we observe Bingo finding it too intense, leading to her becoming distressed. She exits to the outdoors to relay her emotions to Chilli. In turn, Chilli escorts Bingo back insides and conveys to Bandit that Bingo desires a conversation with him.
As guardians, our anticipation and desire are that our progeny heed and esteem us. However, it’s crucial for us to acknowledge the need to reciprocate that attentiveness towards them. Bandit halts his tasks, leans in, and lends a genuine ear to Bingo. She voices her discomfort with the vigorousness of his play. Seeking to comprehend her boundaries, Bandit inquires Bingo to exemplify what constitutes as excessive for her. The scene exemplifies Bandit’s openness to his child’s input, showcasing the importance of being attuned to their feedback, even if we are unaware of any missteps.
8. “Dance Mode”—Delighting in frivolity with our progeny
This ranks as one of my personal favorites among Bandit-Bluey segments. Bandit willingly makes a fool of himself in a public setting, purely to bring joy to Bingo. This embodies the quintessential facets of exemplary fatherhood. Going to great lengths to draw a chuckle and a beam from our children.
At the outset of this narrative, an oblivious Bandit consumes one of Bingo’s chips, unaware that she wasn’t finished. To compensate, he (alongside Chilli) consents to engage in “dance mode.” In this game, upon cue of music, you enter ‘dance mode’ and perform a dance spontaneously—even outdoors. The plot entails the parents succumbing to dance mode throughout. In a notable scene, Bandi finds himself dancing unreservedly before complete strangers while queuing at a bookstore. What does this reveal about Bandit? His preparedness to do whatever it takes to elicit happiness from his pups, despite any personal mortification.
9. “Sheepdog”—Excelling as a supportive parenting ally
Following a taxing day of childcare, Chilli appeals to Bandit for a brief 20-minute respite. Fully understanding, Bandit commandeers the duty of entertaining the girls. However, Bluey erroneously interprets Chilli’s need for a break and yearns to check on her mother.
Assuming the sheepdog role, Bandit effectively “guards” Chilli, thwarting the children’s attempts to interrupt her. With earnestness, he fulfills his role to ensure Chilli enjoys her moments of solitude and relaxation. This segment places Bandit in the spotlight, demonstrating his adeptness in assuming full charge of the parental responsibilities, occupying and amusing the girls to guarantee Chilli’s well-deserved time for self-preservation. This feature on Bandit is merited as it underlines the importance of companionship in parenting—an area where Bandit indeed shines.
10. “Stickbird”—Managing discomfiting sensations
Among the many heartfelt chronicles of Bluey, this narrative delves into the exploration of profound and unfamiliar sentiments. The family engages in an enjoyable coastal outing, but Bandit seems preoccupied with an undisclosed matter. While Bluey and Bingo frolic, Chilli prompts Bandit to assist them. However, he is so consumed by his thoughts that Chilli’s voice falls on deaf ears. Chilli tells him to “release it,” leaving the audience in the dark about Bandit’s vexations, which “Stickbird” subtly suggests relate to an internal debate touched upon in another memorable Bandit-Bluey episode, “The Sign”.
Further into the episode, Bandit aids the girls in constructing an avian figure from sand, highlighted by a distinctive stick. As others engage in beachside frivolity, their sandy masterpiece falls victim to disruption, devastating Bingo. She experiences a pronounced mix of sorrow and ire. Bandit seeks to console her with a poignant adage, “Once you share something wondrous with the world, it doesn’t solely belong to you anymore, not entirely.”
The depiction of Bandit’s emotional detachment and Bingo’s inner turmoil offers a crucial life lesson—tackling sorrowful emotions—or validating feelings that could be perplexing. Bluey shares with Bingo a strategy her friend taught her for managing agitation. It involves the metaphorical gathering of negative emotions and casting them away. By the episode’s conclusion, we witness Bandi mimicking the act of relinquishing his own vexations into the sea.
In essence, the episode accentuates the often-unvoiced challenges that parents face. Without pinpointing the source, we observe how internal struggles can ripple through a family’s atmosphere if allowed to fester. Through “Stickbird,” we are reminded by Bandit that grappling with vulnerability is permissible, and sometimes our younger counterparts unlock the remedy to our unease.