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These Are The Best Pain Relieving Yoga Poses

Image Source: fizkes / Shutterstock

Beauty & Wellness

These Are The Best Pain Relieving Yoga Poses

Feeling a little bloated and constipated? Or are just a bit stressed at the moment with Christmas nearly upon us? We’ve got some yoga poses for you! The yoga poses listed below help with relieving stress and balancing digestion.

If you feel like you’re experiencing any of these issues, we recommend trying out these yoga poses and trying to perfect your form each time you practice, for the best results. If you’re not a complete yogi and more a total newbie, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Watch this video tutorial for help with performing these yoga poses, to avoid further pain or injury.

If you are looking to learn more yoga poses, go on over to Yoga Class Plan, they have amazing yoga classes you can follow or create yourself right from your home. Yoga Class Plan offers 400 pose illustrations and access over 6000 shared class plans! Oh and they even have a free 14-day trial, so there is not risk in trying them out!

If you’re looking for a great yoga app, check out yoga download to many poses that help you focus on different parts of your body! Now on to our pain relieving poses, enjoy!

Stress Relief Poses

Easy Pose (Sukhasana) with Forward Bend

Adding a forward bend to this yoga pose increases the exhale, leading to the relaxation response.

Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) with Shoulder Opener

Not only do forward bends increase the exhalation, helping to relieve stress, they also turn us inward. Plus, with the arms behind the back, we release shoulder tension. This pose also helps to release the hamstrings, which can get bound up when you’re stuck in fight-or-flight mode.

Plow Pose (Halasana)

This yoga pose releases the neck, head, shoulders, and hamstrings. It also increases the exhale and turns us inward.

Digestion Balance Poses (Relieve Constipation)

Knee To Chest Pose

Hold this pose for 10-30 breathes and release. This yoga pose helps to push the stool along and relieve constipation.

Recline Side Bend

Move both legs over to the left side of the mat, with both arms and upper body bent toward the left, this way the whole body creates an arch. Repeat on the other side. This yoga pose stretches the intestines and relaxes them.

Lunge Pose With The Twist

This yoga pose not only improves digestion, it also stretches your spine, improves mobility and detoxifies the internal organs.

Squat Pose

This pose helps to move the stools along the large intestine and also helps relax and open up the lower back. This pose should have your body moving again in no time!

Now that you have your poses all set, check out these super cute clothes you can wear comfortably while trying all these poses!

We hope you enjoyed our article and video tutorial on these best pain-relieving yoga poses and try them out at home! Check out part 2 here. Its all about neck pain and back pain, which I know we all get sometimes!

In the can you want a few more poses just to get your inner yogi moving, check out our beginner poses here and get your kids moving as well with these kids yoga poses!

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