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This Is How You Can Build Your Personal Brand

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Career & Money

This Is How You Can Build Your Personal Brand

If you’re on the search for a new job, it’s important to know how to build your personal brand because it can help make you more competitive against other job seekers. But how do you build a personal brand from scratch? And how can you utilize your personal brand in your interactions with companies, employers, or other professionals?

The process of building a brand may be difficult, but it’s a crucial step in your job search. And once you have defined your personal brand, you can start looking for new jobs on ZipRecruiter. As one of the largest job board sites, ZipRecruiter has millions of open positions that you can apply to with just one click.

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How to Build a Personal Brand


Why Is a Personal Brand Important?

Learning how to build a personal brand increases your reputation and creates authority around your position. You can think of your personal brand as a story that you tell others about your life. This message should highlight your strengths, skills, passions, and goals, both on a personal and professional level.

Having a personal brand gives recruiters and hiring managers a better understanding of who you are as a candidate. Although your cover letter and resume (which you can send to employers on ZipRecruiter) will include some of this information, they may not cover everything. Therefore, your personal brand fills in the gaps and is the icing on the cake in terms of selling you as a well-deserved applicant.

What Should I Include in My Personal Brand?

At the very least, your personal brand should be communicated in your job application. Your cover letter and resume should reflect the main things you want to show your future employer.

However, knowing how to build your personal brand also extends to other facets of your behaviors and actions. This includes your social media presence and if you have one, a personal website.

For example, you may want to include the following information to explain your brand:

  • About you section
  • Professional resume
  • Links to social network profiles
  • Testimonials
  • Media (profile picture, video, etc.)

Tips for Building Your Personal Brand

Now that you know why it’s important to create a personal brand, here are a few tips to help you get started.

1. Define What You Want to Accomplish

It’s crucial that your message has a focus. Who exactly are you targeting? What are the key points you want to drive home? What are your unique selling points that you want people to understand? Answering these questions can help you formulate the direction of your personal brand.

2. Don’t Exaggerate or Be Fake

When it comes to building your personal brand, authenticity is key. After all, hiring managers can spot when information is incorrect or exaggerated. Being genuine also makes it easier for you to live up to the expectations you set for yourself.

3. Stay Positive

Your brand is your chance to highlight your positive attributes. Instead of focusing on past mistakes or problems, showcase your accomplishments and successes.

Of course, you should also be prepared to tackle difficult interview questions, too. However, focusing on your strengths displays confidence and makes a good first impression with employers.

4. Be Active on Social Channels

Building a brand is important for your job search, but it’s also important for your personal growth. Even if you’ve landed your dream job through ZipRecruiter, your personal branding work isn’t necessarily over. You should actively engage with your network to stay informed and professionally relevant. That means creating (and updating) your Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook profiles to align with your brand and message.

You can start sharing your personal brand on ZipRecruiter by creating a free profile and applying to open positions through the platform!

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