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Tried & Tested: Graco Myavo stroller | Reviews

Graco Myavo Travel Stroller


Tried & Tested: Graco Myavo stroller | Reviews

Whether you’re heading to the store or traveling abroad, the versatile Graco Myavo stroller offers convenience for parents. With its automatic, one-hand fold, it can be packed up in seconds, making it easy to navigate stairs and public transportation. The stroller even stays standing when folded, eliminating the need to bend down.

This game-changing compact stroller provides the look and feel of premium brands at a high street price of £130, making it perfect for budget-conscious parents who don’t want to compromise on style.

Read on to find out what our parent testers thought…

Key features

  • Multi-position recline for nap times, and an adjustable calf support so growing children can ride comfortably.
  • An automatic, stand-alone fold (with integrated fold lock).
  • Removable, rotating bumper bar & adjustable calf support.
  • Large, easy access storage basket.
  • Suitable from birth to approx. 4 years (0-22kg).

What was your initial impression of the Graco Myavo?

Amy: “It was compact, packaged together really well. I prefer the folding aspect rather than the long collapsible stroller. The size is perfect for every day use and storage. It was surprisingly easy to assemble. At first, I tried to assemble it without the instructions as it was so easy to put together. I needed to refer to the instructions for moving the straps and they were clear and easy to follow.”

Sophie: “Having never used any Graco prams, I was intrigued to see what it would be like. The pushchair looked very sturdy and good quality, set up was really simple. My partner and I were very impressed by the price as well.”

Poppy: “I was really impressed. I thought it looked really smart, it was a great color and very lightweight – great for traveling as it takes up much less room in the boot of my car than my current pram. I think it is great value for money. It isn’t any more expensive than other similar strollers on the market. It also comes with a rain cover. I was able to put the stroller together very quickly and I am not very savvy when it comes to these sort of things, but it was very straightforward and popped together within minutes.”

What did you think of the size of the stroller and its compact self-standing fold?

Fiona: “It’s good that the stroller folds easily, especially when your hands are full with baby and shopping. I found it slightly bigger than other similar compact strollers but it means you get much better sized baskets to fit everything in.”

Kayleigh: “It’s the perfect size for fitting in the boot of the car, and if we were to go on holiday it would be great too.”

Elly: “Due to the self-folding stand and how lightweight it is, I was able to fold the pram and put it in the car whilst holding the baby or the hand of my toddler which was useful as a busy mom. I think the stroller folds neatly to a fairly compact square size. It is wider than some other travel prams but I think that is a good thing from the point of view of the baby. It means they have more room in the seat which ultimately makes it a comfier ride.”

What did you think of the one-hand, one-second fold?

Natalie: “It was very easy to use, and I could indeed do it with one-hand – I was skeptical at first! It’s a great feature when you’re on the move and need to get about quickly.”

Elly: “The one-hand fold was pretty easy to use, you simply push and pull a button and once folded you can easily use the bar to lift the pram in/out of the car boot.”

Sophie: “I cannot tell you how amazing this was! Super easy! I was so impressed. No hassle up and down within seconds. It makes this pram super practical and easy to use. When going to cafes or soft plays you can be limited for space and having the ease of compacting your pram down so easy is a game changer!”

Would you recommend this product to friends and family?

Zoe: “Yes. I would recommend this stroller as it’s easy to use, compact and feels good quality. My favorite feature was how small it folds down to. It’s changed my perception of Graco as it’s a good quality product and very stylish.”

Megan: “It’s very easy to use and a great budget option, without compromising on maneuverability. It is so light and easy to steer. I also liked the ease of putting the stroller up and down.”

Natalie: “I would recommend this product to friends and family looking for a lightweight, easy to use, quick folding holiday pushchair. The thing I liked most was the one-handed automatic fold down – I think it’s the main selling feature and the feature that I would appreciate the most. I’m moving a pushchair in and out of my boot several times a day, so to find one that’s light and quick to put up is brilliant. I’d also recommend it as a fantastic holiday pushchair.”

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