Career & Money
How You Can Find Salon Jobs Near You
If you are looking for a job in the beauty industry, you may be wondering how to find salon jobs near you. Working in a salon is different from working in an office, so there are specific job sites that can be more useful than others. This article will share different sites and methods to help you find your dream salon job.
How much do salon jobs pay? According to ZipRecruiter, the best salon jobs can pay upwards of $66,000 annually. However, this depends on your role, experience level, and location. Check out their site to see what opportunities are available to you!
What Are the Different Types of Salon Jobs Near Me?
There are many different roles to choose from in the beauty industry. Some jobs require a certain level of training or certification, while others are better suited for entry-level employees. Here are just a couple of popular salon jobs to choose from:
- hair stylist
- barber
- makeup artist
- colorist
- esthetician
- massage therapist
- nail technician
- salon receptionist
- salon management
Want to find any of these salon jobs near you? If so, create a profile on ZipRecruiter and upload your resume. This platform will consider your skills and experience and learn what you are looking for in a job. Then, it will suggest open positions and tell you how qualified you are to get the job.
That way, you can prioritize applying to positions you are likely to get!
Where to Find Salon Jobs Near Me
1. ZipRecruiter
If you’re starting your salon job search, we recommend browsing through ZipRecruiter. They’re one of the largest and most comprehensive job sites out there. Type in your location and job position, and you’ll see a list of all available roles in your area. You can then click each listing to see the job’s exact details, responsibilities, and requirements.
If nothing catches your eye, you can set up notifications to get pinged when new roles are added. This can be very helpful if you’re applying for a competitive role (submitting your application early has its advantages!). ZipRecruiter also allows you to upload your resume and cover letter so you can apply for jobs with just the click of a button.
2. Snagajob
With millions of hourly job listings, Snagajob is a useful site for finding salon jobs near you. In addition to stylist, beauty, and cosmetology positions, you’ll also find other retail, hospitality, or maintenance jobs on their site. Essentially, they’re the site for hourly or shift-position jobs of all kinds!
As with other sites, you’ll start by typing in a job keyword and location. Each listing will show the average hourly pay and employment type (part-time, full-time, etc.). To help make your job search easier, we recommend creating a profile on their site. That way, employers can search for you and invite you to apply for their jobs without you having to do anything!
3. Indeed
Indeed is one of the most popular job sites for job seekers. Although they aren’t explicitly focused on salon jobs, they show thousands of available positions around the country.
In addition to its job board, Indeed also has an in-depth company review page. You can see genuine reviews, interview questions, and salaries from past or current employees. This is a great resource to help you decide between several different employers. And just like ZipRecruiter, using their job search tool and career resources is free!
4. Local Salons
Although most people use the internet to find jobs, looking for work the old-fashioned way can be beneficial. If there is a specific salon you’re interested in working at, then you can always ask in person.
When you walk into a salon, could you ask to speak with the manager about possible employment opportunities? You’ll also need to have your resume and cover letter in hand. In some cases, they might also perform an interview on the spot, so ensure you’re prepared to discuss your history and answer essential questions. Even if they aren’t hiring, the manager may still keep your resume on hand in case any opportunities pop up in the future.
Boost Your Salon Career
Although you could type “salon jobs near me” into Google, you’ll have more success by using the job sites above. ZipRecruiter is our top recommendation, as they make applying for roles as seamless as possible. You can check out our full review of their services here.
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